frutta verdura ingr-carni slid-pesci fiori

Bolzano Chamber of Commerce - 16th and 17th November 2018 - Bolzano "Interpoma" Fair with the Patronage of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano - Municipality of Bolzano and the collaboration of the Bolzano Fair and Union of Germany’s Markets


Agri-food markets in Italy are in crisis.

The causes of this situation are many and, among these, certainly a determining factor is the strong dynamism of modern distribution. However, it is possible that over 200 wholesale ration centers are too many, especially if they are not always managed in an efficient way, in some cases due to management deficiencies, in others due to an inadequate knowledge of private components.

Today it is therefore essential to fully understand the causes of the situation and the possible answers to understand if it is possible - as we believe - that the system potential of the agri-food markets should be valued as they deserve.

In this context the application of the implementing decrees of the reform of the P.A. and, in particular, companies with public participation, could have irreversible effects on the management system 

The ANDMI, for over half a century engaged in the dissemination of the culture of the sector, intends to resume the ancient tradition of the conferences of Bolzano and subsequent held in Sicily and Puglia, to call all the components, public and private, to verify the possibility of set up, by mutual agreement, a project for renewal and relaunch, comparing the evolution in the main European markets starting from Germany.



Friday 16 November 2018 (morning)

Moderator:  Fabio Savelli> Journalist for the Corriere della Sera newsroom
9.00 am - 9.30 am Registration of participants
9.30 am - 10.00 am Opening greetings National and territorial institutions;

The On.le Alessandra Pesce Conference opens: -Sottosegretario MIPAAFT

10.00 am - 10.20 am  > Pietro Cernigliaro > President ANDMI - Introductory report
10.20 am - 10.40 am > Herbert Dorfmann > European Parliamentarian - "Structural interventions in European agri-food trade
10.40 am  - 11.00 am  > Luca Lanini > Catholic University of Piacenza> "The new challenges of the agri-food markets between logistics and commercial valorization"

11.00 am - 11.20 am   Break  Program

11.20 am - 11.40 am > Claudio Scalise > SG Marketing - Bologna - "The evolution of modern distribution and the possible role of markets"
11.40 am - 12.00 am > Daniele Senzani > University of Bologna - "Reform of public-participation companies and models for the management of the agro-food markets"
12.00 am - 12.20 > am  Frank Willhausen > Union Markets of Germany - "Prospects for market development in Germany"
12.20 am - 12.45 Debate
12.45 am - 2.30 pm    Breakfast


Friday 16 November 2018 (afternoon)

The voice of the Operators
2.30 pm - 2.50 pm  > Valentino Di Pisa > President of FEDAGRO-CONFCOMMERCIO

The voice of Production
2.50 pm - 3.10 pm  > Luca Granata > General Manager "OPERA PERA"

The voice of large retailers
15.10 pm - 15.30 pm > Claudio Mazzini > Director of the "COOP ITALIA" Freschissimi

The voice of modern marketing
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm > Gerhard Dichgans > Director "VOG - MARLENE"

The Consumer voice
4.00 pm - 4.30 pm > Sergio Veroli > President of CONSUMERS 'FORUM
4.30 pm - 4.50 pm   Break
4.50 pm - 6.00 pm   Round table > Final document draft and settlement "Permanent working table for the reform of the wholesale agri-food markets"

Saturday 17 November 2018

9.30 am - 12.00 am  "INTERPOMA"  guided tour


Conference venue: Bolzano Chamber of Commerce - Via Alto Adige n. 60 - 39100 Bolzano (Italy)


Please confirm the Conference Secretariat:

Maria Pruss> IDM> Eurac - Tel. +39 0471 055457 mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Alfred Frei> ANDMI mobile 329 3022758 mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.